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‘Things to do near me’ SEO

Columnist Andrew Shotland takes a look at the “near me” phenomenon and shares data that helps illuminate how to rank for these queries. The post ‘Things to do near me’ SEO appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land...

7 things business owners fear (but shouldn’t) about SEO

From concerns about scam artists to misconceptions about measurement, the typical reasons for fear of SEO are many. But contributor Pratik Dholakiya contends there’s much to gain by getting past your doubts. The post 7 things business owners fear (but shouldn’t)...

3 things to do after a major Google algorithm update

Heard about a new update to Google’s organic search ranking algorithm? Don’t panic! Columnist Ryan Shelley shares his tips for responding to these updates in a calm and constructive way. The post 3 things to do after a major Google algorithm update...

10 WooCommerce stores selling awesome and unusual things

When we say you can sell anything with WooCommerce, we really do mean anything. Physical products, digital goods, monthly subscriptions, content available only to paying members, event tickets, bookings for hotels or even your time — it’s all possible. We...