This time, I'm going to show you a much quicker and easier way of doing it, and it is just going to be almost as accurate as the pencil first thing you want to do is import your image by simply dragging it into the work area or going To file an open, you also want to go to the layer and where it says background you want to left-click on this lock to unlock it to be a layer.
You want to hold alt on your keyboard and use the scroll wheel to go up, so you can zoom into your image. If you can't do it this way, you can go to the zoom tool, which is right here, and that will let you do it that way. The tool that we're going to be using is the third tool down so get to it. You can either press L on your keyboard or you can go here and right click on it and it will be the bottom one.
Basically, the way that this Tool Works is similar to the pen tool where it uses dots to go around and select certain objects. But this one will automatically detect where the outline is and the computer will plot it down for you, and all you got to do is pretty much guide it around the object that you wanted to select. Now, in the last article I mentioned that it's not as accurate, and that is true, but you can adjust the settings to make it more accurate, there's a few things that you need to know.
First of all, about the selection tool and the magnetic lasso tool. The first thing is these options right here: if we only use this option right here, which is the first one – and we create a selection right here – and we want to let's say, add on to this one – we won't be able to it'll give us a separate Selection, it will give us a brand new one if we press ctrl + D to deselect this and select the second option.
This will allow us to add on to this right here, and you can see now you have a plus next to it, and if we create Univ 1, we now have two shapes inside each other which merged together. The third option is all about cutting the current selection. As you see, we have the opposite effect now it is turned into a minus and we can actually take it away from here and we could just cut this into a smaller custom shape.
The very last option is to create a custom shape inside of this one, and what I mean by this is, if you have a selection here, but you only want this bit here. You click on this one and only select this area right here, so that is the free selection options. You should consider and know the two of options. Next, to that one is favoring, and if you don't know what favoring is it pretty much adds a nice soft effect around your selection? You can see that the image has a soft edge around it.
If you're looking for nice sharp edges, then you want it to have it on 0, okay, so the last three options. These are also really important to know what these options do. Is these actually determine how well or how bad the magnetic lasso tool works? For example, if we look at the width and contrast and frequency, the wave of it is how many points it will plot between each one. So if we have this on 10 pixels, it will plot it down every 10 pixel.
The contrast of it is how well it can determine the line that you are wanting to select. So if your image was difficult to select, you can increase the contrast and it will try to pick up colors much better. The frequency of it is how many points it will plot in total. The first thing you want to do is pick a corner or an area which you're going to start. It's a lot easier if you start the bottom and work your way all around this image.
You want to create the first point by left-clicking and then all you got to do after that is let the computer do the work for you. If you wanted to, you, can manually, add them yourself. So, as you can see right now, I'm adding some of them on the edges and the corners to help it be more accurate. But you can start to pick up your speed as you can see, and it is doing a really nice job right now of selecting our image.
The corners are usually the ones that, in my struggle with, as you can see down here, is sometimes struggles to pick up certain colors, and that is something you don't need to worry about it right now. We can easily fix that later on. All you got to do is go back to the first door and connect it all now that you've created the selection, we are also going to edit it and fix the parts that we didn't do we're going to zoom into this area right here, I'll start off With this first, okay, so the next tool that we're going to use is called the polygonal lasso tool.
This one is similar to the pen tool, but this one doesn't have any points. So what we're going to do is we're going to remove this area right here. For us to be able to edit this selection right now, you need to make sure that you are selecting this option right here. You will now see it is a plus and to do the opposite to this. You hold alt, and now you see swapped over to a minus. So all you got to do is hold alt click, the first point and then you can let go of alt and go around the parts which you don't need and the parts that you want to cut out once again hold alt and click on it.
Select the parts that you don't want we're going to go further down and also fix this area here. So this time, rather than holding alt all you're going to do, is click on this line here and select the parts you want to be added to it. Okay, so another useful thing about this tool is: if you wanted to, you, don't have to go to the first dot. You can connect it up from here by holding ctrl and then you'll see the icon changes to a circle, and we can connect it from here.
If we left click, it is now selected we're also going to fix this area right here, where it goes out slightly once again hold ctrl and click on it and there we go. So if we look at this image right now, it's looking really good. Okay. So all you got to do now is go down to this icon right here and create yourself a mask. As you can see, the background is now gone, but we can always switch back by disabling the mask.
So if you hold shift and click on the icon, it will disable the mask and if you hold shift again and click on it, it will show you the image with the mask. If yours is the opposite, let's say yours is like this, where the background is actually go out and the person isn't all you got to do is press ctrl, + I and that will invert it. Ok, so to fix up the hair. What we're going to do is we're going to use the brush tool and we are going to select a black color, make sure you go up here and set this one to feathering and then just fix up some of the parts which aren't looking good.
You can use the shortcut keys on your keyboard, which is the square bracket and the N square bracket to make it larger or smaller all right, so we've pretty much removed the background. If you want this to be completely gone and you don't want the background, you can right-click on the layer and convert a small object, and now it will just be the image and it's standalone form or without the background, all right.
So now what we're going to do is we're also going to fix up the edges a little bit. Let's say your image isn't as smooth on the edges. You can hold ctrl and click on the icon and that will select your image, go to the second tool and click on select and mask, and these options will pretty much help you to fix the edges of your image. You have all the preview options here. If you wanted to, you can preview it on certain colors or certain overlays, you can look at transparency.
The edges, the ones that you will focus on are smooth, feather and contrast. These play an important role to fix your image you have February, in which this will create the fevour effect and then contrast will take it away, and this will smoothen your image down. You can play about with these and see which one works for you once you've done. All that and you're happy with your settings. You can press, OK and that will apply it to a new layer and that's pretty much it that's how you use the magnetic lasso tool to remove the background.
You can always move this wherever you want, you can pray to certain projects that you have open. You can save it. You can add a background right here. If you wanted to, you can create one by creating a background, but anyway, I hope this article was helpful if it was leave a comment and give it a thumbs up to show other people. It was a good article if you'd like to see more tutorials, you can go down to the description and there is a playlist to photoshop or if you want to learn editing.