239-919-3646 Webmaster Naples FL

Emailed Author: There are issues with your plugin code.


Please read this ENTIRE email, address all listed issues, and reply to this email with your corrected code attached. It is required for you to read and reply to these emails, and failure to do so will result in significant delays with your plugin being accepted.

## Generic function (and/or define) names

All plugins must have unique function names, defines, and classnames. This prevents your plugin from conflicting with other plugins or themes.

For example, if your plugin is called “Easy Custom Post Types”, then you might prefix your functions with ecpt_{your function name here}. Similarly a define of LICENSE would be better done as ECPT_LICENSE. You can use namespaces instead, however make sure that those also are unique. A namespace or class of ‘MyPlugin’ is NOT actually all that unique.

This extends to anything in a define. For example, if you were to use this, it would be a bad idea:

define( ‘PLUGIN_PATH’, plugins_url( __FILE__ ) );

That define is a global, so PLUGIN_PATH could conflict with a number of other things.

Don’t try to use two letter slugs anymore. As of 2016, all the good ones are taken. Instead consider easy_cpts_ (from the first example).

Similarly, don’t use __ (double underscores), wp_ , or _ (single underscore) as a prefix. Those are reserved for WordPress itself. You can use them inside your classes, but not as stand-alone function.

Please update your plugin to use more unique function and class names.

Some examples from your plugin:

function noRobots()
function save_extra_category_fileds

If those are intended to be in shared libraries, please detect IF the code is already included and not re-include it, as doing so will cause conflicts if two people call the same defines and functions.


Please make sure you’ve addressed ALL issues brought up in this email. When you’ve corrected your code, reply to this email with the updated code attached as a zip, or provide a link to the new code for us to review. If you have questions, concerns, or need clarification, please reply to this email and just ask us.

(While we have tried to make this review as exhaustive as possible we, like you, are humans and may have missed things. As such, we will re-review the ENTIRE plugin when you send it back to us. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this.)

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