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Manage Your Agent Team with ONE | iHomefinderA growing team is a clear sign of success. It means there are enough leads coming in that you need more agents to handle them all. Of course, this is also a clear sign that your management processes are about to get a little more challenging, too.

As the team manager, it’s your job to make sure every member of the team is performing up to expectations. But there’s more to it than that.

Ask yourself:

Are my agents following up on all the expensive leads?
Is every agent managing complex closings and seller onboardings properly?
Do I have a grasp on the overall health of my business?

If you’re not sure about the answers to these questions, or if you think you could improve performance in some of these areas, it may be time to look at some new automation and management options.

Over the years, we’ve heard from many team leaders about the need for new ways to effectively manage their teams. Many agents have also expressed a need for well-defined, lead-created processes and tools that can manage their deal flows as efficiently as possible.

At the same time, managers need to be able to keep their agents on track and following the tried-and-true processes that have been developed and established over the years. They also need control over the details of the system, so they can provide more or less visibility into the process, based on what the agents really need to be successful.

Implementing ONE Solutions

iHomefinder ONE provides a number of tools and processes that allow agents, team leads, and business owners to streamline their efforts and overcome the challenges that naturally accompany team growth.

ONE equips you with a Team Lead Dashboard, an Agent Dashboard, and the tools to manage your business. Each of these aspects offers a number of important benefits.

The Team Lead Dashboard

ONE allows you to implement your own action plans to ensure that every team is following the established best practices, which, in turn, can help them see repeatable success. This can also help them understand your management style and processes, so there’s never a question about your expectations.

The Team Lead Dashboard can help drive team performance and track exactly who is following up on leads and who isn’t. This ability to track performance also opens up the opportunity to more accurately forecast revenue.

You can also make sure the right leads are distributed to the right agents while managing overall group visibility (i.e. team members only need to see the leads in their own groups). You can set up email notification rules, create simple round robins to evenly and automatically distribute leads (when you have no lead routing preferences), and assign an Agent on Duty to make sure that someone automatically receives all the leads from specific sign-up forms.

The Agent Dashboard

Arm your agents with the ability to track contact activity, call notes, tasks and appointments while they set automated follow-ups and gather insights from client IDX activity on the website. You can make it easy for them to see the viewed listings, preferred price ranges, and desired locations so they can contact each lead with enough information to make an effective approach.

This dashboard shows current prospects, contacts, their contributions to the overall company goals, and more.

The Business Management Tools

How is the lead flow on your team? How is each agent contacting and nurturing them? Are they moving toward an inevitable transaction?

As your team continues to grow, many processes are going to become more complex. The right tools, though, can minimize the potential confusion and keep things moving forward.

ONE gives you the insights to know the status of every lead and every deal. You will have a high-level overview of the business at your fingertips so you can track closed business, analyze your lead sources, optimize your marketing strategy, and, most importantly, plan your future growth path.

Free Consultation

Do you want to see ONE in action? Contact iHomefinder today and discover a new way to manage your agent team.


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