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Sliders have always been really popular in web design. One of their biggest advantages is the fact that visitors can swipe through them on mobile devices. Nowadays, swiping is the new clicking, so it goes without saying that including sliders can help improve the mobile user experience visitors have on your website.

When building a website with Divi, you can easily add the Slider Module to any row or section you’re working on. And with a bit of creativity and experimenting, you can achieve stunning web designs.

One of the things you can do is create a mobile walkthrough with the Slider Module. You can add as many slides as you want and the walkthrough will look equally as good on desktop and tablet, although it’s initially designed for mobile devices. In this post, we’ll recreate a stunning example from scratch and offer the section for download at the end of it.

Read More: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/divi-resources/how-to-create-mobile-walkthroughs-with-divis-slider-module-free-download