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The Spatial Data on the Web Interest Group has published two First Public Interest Group Notes:

  • Extensions to the OWL-Time Ontology – entity relations
  • Extensions to the OWL-Time Ontology – temporal aggregates

OWL-Time [owl-time] is an ontology for temporal entities and relations between them. OWL-Time defines simple temporal entities (intervals and instants). The entity relations note adds four new relations: time:equals, time:hasInside, time:disjoint and time:notDisjoint which complement the original relations and allow for description of more relationships between temporal entities. The temporal aggregates note adds one new class time:TemporalAggregate and two properties time:hasPart and its inverse time:isPartof to allow for the description of arbitrary aggregates of temporal entities.

Original source: https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/8621