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W3C Invites Implementations of Encoding

The Internationalization Working Group invites implementation of the Candidate Recommendation of Encoding. The utf-8 encoding is the most appropriate encoding for interchange of Unicode, the universal coded character set. Therefore, for new protocols and formats, as...

Web Annotation Data Model Draft Published

The Web Annotation Working Group has published a Working Draft of Web Annotation Data Model. Annotations are typically used to convey information about a resource or associations between resources. Simple examples include a comment or tag on a single web page or...

First Public Working Draft: FindText API

The Web Annotation Working Group and Web Platform Working Group have published a Working Draft of FindText API. The FindText API specification describes an API for finding ranges of text in a document or part of a document, using a variety of selection criteria....

Getting To The Aha Moment

How and why did you get started with coding? Growing up in parallel with the video game industry, I was always interested in video games and working with computers. When I was young, my grandmother worked for Phillips and she gave us a Phillips G7000—the Magnavox...

From Retail to Front End

How and why did you get started with coding?I started coding at first because I was interested in what my husband did for a living. He showed me a few sites where I could learn more about programming and broaden my career opportunities. I started using Codecademy. It...