Get The Divi Code Snippets Today
Save Theme Builder Templates To Divi Cloud
Today we are excited to introduce Divi Code Snippets, a new way to save and manage your most commonly-used code snippets, and to access them whenever you need them right inside the Divi interface. You can save your favorite HTML & Javascript, CSS and collections of CSS parameters and rules, so that they can be easily used within the Divi code editors. That includes in the code editors found in the Divi Theme Options, Divi Builder Page Settings, Code Modules, Text Modules and the CSS options found within all Divi modules. This new code library is integrated with Divi Cloud, which means all of your favorite snippets can be synced to the cloud which will make them instantly accessible on each new website you build. If you are a Divi Cloud customer, your team members also get unlimited Divi Cloud storage for free, which means everyone can save unlimited code snippets to the cloud!
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