The Web of Things (WoT) Working Group invites implementations of the following Candidate Recommendations:
- Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1 describes the metadata and interfaces of Things, where a Thing is an abstraction of a physical or virtual entity that provides interactions to and participates in the Web of Things. This specification describes a superset of the features defined in the WoT Thing Description 1.0 specification.
- Web of Things (WoT) Discovery describes how to discover and obtain the Thing Description of a Thing in a distributed environment for various use cases.
- Web of Things (WoT) Architecture 1.1 describes the abstract architecture for the W3C Web of Things based on a set of requirements derived from use cases for multiple application domains. This specification describes a superset of the features defined in the WoT Architecture 1.0 specification.
Please send comments by 16 February 2023.
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