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Full-Screen page layouts can really come in handy in the world of web design. One main benefit of a full-screen page layout is visibility. With full-screen pages, all your page content remains within the browser window.

In a world where users are quick to scroll, having all of your content contained within the browser viewport from the start can be refreshing for the viewer and could also help with conversions.

If you are familiar with Divi, you should already know about the fullwidth header module that has full-screen functionality built in. This is a wonderful solution for creating full-screen pages with minimal content. But if you want to take advantage of building a full-screen page layout using a regular section with multiple rows and modules, this is the post for you.

I’ll show you a few simple tricks to make sure your page content (even the header and footer bar) fit within your browser window and then scale nicely on different browser sizes.

Read the article here: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/divi-resources/how-to-design-custom-full-screen-page-layouts-in-divi