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Every week, we provide you with a new and free Divi layout pack which you can use for your next project. Along with every layout pack, we also share a use case that’ll help you take your website to the next level.

This week, as part of our ongoing Divi design initiative, we’re going to show you how to add a mega menu to your recipes page using Divi’s free Food Recipes Layout Pack. This menu will include the categories of your recipes and will be displayed in a mega menu to ease the search for your visitors. Instead of using the recipe layout for pages, we’re using it for posts instead. This allows you to assign categories to each one of your recipes and people will also have the possibility to interact with you in the comment section. Before we dive into the use case, let’s take a quick look at what we’ll be creating in this use case from a visual perspective.

Get the Free Food Recipes Layout Pack:

Get a Tasteful FREE Food Recipes Layout Pack for Divi

If you don’t have Divi yet, you can learn more about this powerful theme on our website using the link below.

Go to the Divi Theme Here:


Go to the blog post:

How to Create a Mega Menu for Your Recipes Page using Divi’s Food Recipes Layout Pack