239-919-3646 Webmaster Naples FL

Quality Home Watch & Care Services
offers peace of mind while caring for your Naples Florida home during short-
and long-term absences.  Things can, will and do happen.  It’s not a
matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHENsome examples:

  • We have frequent storms during our summer months, for example, if
    your circuit breaker is tripped and your air conditioner or refrigerator
    is off, conditions are ripe for problems.
  • Your friends who offered to keep an eye on your home go on vacation or has a family emergency and are called out of town.
  • Your can have leaks either from rain or your upstairs neighbor has a flood due to their negligence.
  • Rodents/insects have found a way into your home.

Call Steve – 239-250-1776for more information.

Our Concierge or extra services include, but not limited to:

  • Installation and/or removal of storm shutters
  • Cars driven to & for maintenance purposes
  • Airport pick up or drop off
  • Grocery shop prior to your return
  • Forward your mail
  • Meet contractors or home delivery personal

home watch naples