The Automotive Working Group has published the following two First Public Working Drafts:
- VSSo Core: Vehicle Signal Specification Core Ontology: The core ontology introduces concepts for the structural elements of VSS defined through the rule set in the specifications. The core of the ontology defines this structure in an OWL ontology and serves as a basis for the defined signals of the standard catalogue and potential further development of the branches as more than structural information.
- VSSo: Vehicle Signal Specification Ontology: As the core ontology defined the structure, VSSo holds the vocabulary as defined by the standard catalogue. The main objective is, that VSSo doesn’t diverege from the standard catalogue, so this is done automatically through tooling provided in the corresponding repository. The tooling takes the standard catalogue and maps it to concepts defined in the core ontology. The result is an OWL complient ontology, following the standard catalogue of VSS.
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