Text and shapes are used in many designs made in Adobe Photoshop: flyers, posters, banners, images for social media, and more. This video introduces you to the type and shape tools in Adobe Photoshop and shows you how to use them to create a simple, impactful advertising image to post on social media.
0:05 Introduction
0:38 Add text on a Type layer
1:00 Format the size, font, and color of text
1:10 Creative ways to use text
1:27 Add a geometric shape on a Shape layer
1:45 Add a graphic with the Custom Shape tool
2:03 Recap
To practice using the type and shape tools directly in Adobe Photoshop, visit https://creativecloud.adobe.com/cc/learn/photoshop/in-app/make-a-social-media-image-with-photos-and-text
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#Adobe #AdobePhotoshop #Textandshapes
Add Text and Shapes to an Image for Social Media | Adobe Photoshop