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When you’re creating a photo composite or a design in Adobe Photoshop, you’ll often need to add images to an open document. In this video, you’ll learn how to use the Place Embedded command to add an image as a flexible Smart Object layer in Adobe Photoshop. After you watch this video, click the link to a hands-on tutorial inside Adobe Photoshop, where you can practice adding an image with our step by step guidance.

0:05 Introduction
0:37 How to use the Place Embedded command
1:00 Smart Object layers created by the Place Embedded command
2:08 Recap

To practice adding an image directly in Adobe Photoshop, visit https://creativecloud.adobe.com/cc/learn/photoshop/in-app/add-an-image

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Get Photoshop CC: http://adobe.ly/10ekpOA

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About Adobe Photoshop:
Adobe Photoshop software is the industry standard in digital imaging and is used worldwide for design, photography, video editing and more.

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Add an Image to an Open Document | Adobe Photoshop